Episode 7

#7. Off & On Campus: Global Missions in Local Communities

Valerie Althouse, D. Min., provides insight about how campus ministry adapted during covid19 restrictions, mobilizing the church’s multi-cultural, multi-ethnic urban residents as local missionaries and reaching unreached people groups scattered throughout American towns and cities. She desires to connect missional believers to serve and reach students and individuals who come from an international community.

Episode Summary:

Valerie Althouse, D. Min., serves as the Northern Mid-Atlantic Area Director for International Students Inc (ISI), a trainer, an emotional intelligence coach and an adjunct professor for Alliance Theological Seminary (ATS) in the areas of Missions and Evangelism. She talks about how local believers can engage unreached people groups where they are in almost any American town or city. And, she discusses how the bi-cultural experiences of many urban believers can allow them to connect readily with people from local, unreached, international communities.  

Scripture Referenced in Episode:

Topics Discussed:

  • Making disciples among the nations by serving in New York City
  • Attitude and adjustments when moving to New York City
  • Examples of how student ministry adapted with covid19 restrictions on local campuses
  • Real connections in the midst of social distancing
  • Ministering to International Muslim students during Ramadan - hospitality amid social distancing
  • Ministering to diaspora unreached people groups who are living throughout towns and small cities in the United States
  • Kindling missions culture in urban multi-ethnic, multicultural and bi-cultural churches
  • The need for multicultural representation in missions materials
  • Mobilizing urban residents as local missionaries
  • The Global South, global awareness and global theology
  • Removing cultural "glasses" when reading scripture
  • Positive impact of the MomentumYes, six-week curriculum on small groups


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