Episode 104

#104. Uncovering Revelation: It's About Erasing the Division Between Heaven and Earth

Rev Dr Duane Alexander Miller, an Anglican author, pastor, and professor, discusses interpreting the book of Revelation.


  • Purpose of the book Revelation
  • Discussing Revelation with Muslim background people
  • Focus on "Who is Jesus?"


Rev Dr Duane Alexander Miller was born in Montana and grew up in Colorado and Puebla (in Mexico). He completed a BA in philosophy at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) and then an MA in theology at St Mary's University (also in San Antonio). Later, life took him to Jordan where he and his wife studied Arabic, to Israel where he helped found a seminary, and to Scotland for doctoral work, among other places.

He is highly interested in the interactions of Islam, Christianity and secularism in modern contexts. His main areas of research for his PhD in divinity were religious conversion from Islam to Christianity, contextual theology, and the shari'a's treatment of apostates. He has also published research on global Anglicanism and the history of Anglican mission in the Ottoman Empire.

He has had the pleasure of teaching in many places over the years: from Costa Rica to Turkey, and Kenya to Tunisia. Presently, he lives in Madrid where he is on the pastoral staff at the Anglican Cathedral of the Redeemer and associate professor at the Protestant Faculty of Theology at Madrid (UEBE).



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01:43 - How did John's audience relate to the book of Revelation?

01:53 - Apocalyptic literature - multiple fulfillment: immediate and later

02:32 - Bible : implication in every generation and church age

03:24 - Revelation is not only for that final generation

03:41 - Multiple fulfillment examples: ...unto us a child is given, onto us, a child is born

04:04 - ...from Egypt, I have called my son

04:36 - ...woman in Revelation 12

04:58 - Responsibility of each person to ask: why am I given this text in this day and age?

05:28 - When we miss the big picture, we miss what God has given us in Revelation

05:39 - Knowing the end of the book should take away our anxiety

05:50 - Struggle: how to help people know Revelation but also act on it to reach the lost

06:37 - How do Muslim background believers (MBBs) approach Revelation?

06:44 - ...one Muslim Background believers' experience

07:12 - Even the devil is God's devil

07:23 - fascinated by Revelation

07:27 - Muslims have a very detailed eschatology

07:53 - which includes the return of Jesus

08:09 - Have not personally found that MBBs are that concerned with the end times and the return of Christ

08:33 - The main issue of MBBs is identity and relating to family and others

08:42 - Every tribe and language and people and nation...

10:59 - Revelation shows us the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant

11:13 - The text from Revelation to discuss with a MBB

11:39 - Who is this guy that John is describing?

12:00 - Visions of Jesus

13:11 - Revelation 19-21 - City of God coming down - the division between heaven and earth is erased

14:23 - And no division in Eden, either

14:38 - Our vision is corrupted by sin

15:04 - Revelation will be clear when Jesus returns

15:43 - Grand Finale - restoration

16:28 - Acts 3 : 21 apokatastasis

18:42 - Focus on gospel kingdom and evangelism

18:58 - Israel in the end times

19:59 - Israel is the people of God

20:16 - Main symbols of Israel in the Old Testament

21:01 - Let everyone who thirsts come

21:12 - Don't miss the boat

22:47 - Contacting Rev Dr Duane Alexander Miller

22:53 - blog : duanemiller.wordpress.com

23:04 - Amazon : Duane Alexander Miller

23:16 - Youtube : @drduanemiller


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