Episode 105

#105. Offering HOPE to NYC and the World

Pastor Drew Hyun, HOPE Church NYC, shares the unique challenges of leading and pastoring in urban settings as well as the importance of emotionally healthy leaders.


  • What is Emotionally Healthy Discipleship?
  • New City Network (of Churches) Five Values
  • Unique needs and challenges faced by urban ministers


Drew Hyun is the Founder and Pastor of Hope Church NYC, a family of diverse churches in and around NYC. Drew is also the Co-Founder of the New City Network, a network of urban churches that value multi-ethnicity, Spirit-filled ministry, emotional health, and mission. Drew is also part of the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship team, a movement that is dedicated to transforming church culture through the multiplication of deeply changed leaders and disciples. Drew loves cities, ESPN, and naps, and finds it a restful Sabbath when all three come together. He resides in New York City with his wife Christina and their son David and daughter Avery.



02:24 - Introducing Pastor Drew Hyun

04:01 - Founder of Hope Church NYC and Co-Founder of New City Network

04:41 - Psalm 33:18

05:18 - defined as a people who deeply hoped in God's unfailing love

05:42 - 2012 - dream to start a movement of churches in NYC - Hope Church NYC

06:39 - 2016 - New City Network

06:54 - Recovery House of Worship (Next Step Community Church)

07:11 - New Life Fellowship

07:14 - New City Network of Churches around five values...

07:26 - ...urban ministry

07:32 - ...emotional health

07:34 - ...Spirit-filled ministry

07:42 - ...multi-ethnic ministry

07:48 - ...mission

08:04 - Church-planting - support for ~40 churches with $2M

08:51 - What is Pastor Hyun's journey to urban ministry?

09:24 - Grew up in Los Angeles, but very unlike New York

09:31 - College at University of California at Berkeley

09:40 - 2000: Three options following university

11:02 - NYC has a different vibe

11:48 - 2001: Internship at New Life Fellowship

13:23 - Love the people and the diversity of people

14:41 - What are the unique needs and challenges faced by urban ministers?

14:59 - Very practical challenges...

15:14 - ...exorbitant cost

15:27 - ...extra time that things take to do

15:34 - ...leads to feeling weightier and a heaviness

15:43 - ...the soil does not seem quit as open

15:50 - ...tons of people, but they are harder to reach because they have such little time in margin

16:05 - ...staying emotionally and spiritually vibrant is exceptionally difficult

16:26 - ...practical needs end up putting on more stress, fear, loneliness, anxiety

16:43 - Unless one is super-intentional about remaining emotionally and spiritually whole

17:14 - Deeply passionate about emotionally healthy discipleship

17:41 - Approach with a missionary mindset - it's cross-cultural experience

17:59 - What is emotional health and why is it important?

18:32 - The goal is not just planting churches...

18:42 - ...vibrant and full of health

18:45 - ...integrity that mimic Sermon on the Mount

18:55 - Emotionally healthy discipleship culture

19:41 - What are we multiplying?

20:19 - Role of New City Network

20:38 - Emotionally Healthy Discipleship is in process of building a network

21:41 - Involvement in Emotionally Healthy Discipleship

22:29 - Seeing unhealthy churches in the past

23:09 - Seeing Christianity in the church vs what Jesus taught

23:29 - Seeing the same thing happening in his own life

24:22 - How does the gospel speak into our lives and experiences?

24:51 - What it means to follow Jesus?

25:46 - We are unaware of our blind spots and our power

25:55 - Grow continually

26:02 - Make amends with our sinfulness

26:08 - Desire to live with as much integrity as possible

26:31 - Ask God for transformation

26:49 - Deep father wounds transcend cultures

30:34 - Discipleship Model: what's caught and what's taught...

30:57 - ...taught...

31:10 - ...Emotionally Healthy Discipleship...

31:20 - ... Course 1. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

31:24 - ... Course 2. Emotionally Healthy Relationships

31:36 - Introduce people on what it means to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind

31:41 - and to love others as your love yourself

31:46 - ...caught...

31:49 - Modeling incarnational listening while working through a conflict

31:58 - Building a culture

32:20 - Who can participate in the program?

32:57 - How would a ministry leader start this discipleship program?

33:05 - EmotionallyHealthy.org - for assessments, tools, introduction to courses

33:19 - Hope Church begins The Hub in Midtown NYC

33:59 - Communal space for use by church plants, missions agencies, and non-profits at an affordable cost

34:50 - Last year, 78 organizations used this space

36:51 - Getting in touch with Pastor Drew Hyun - @drewhyun on Instagram and Twitter


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